The 2024 Charitable Donation Deadline has been Extended to February 28th!

Home Delivery for SCIG

May 28, 2020

Accessing your product during COVID-19 is an added stress that immunodeficiency patients do not need. With this in mind, CIPO has been working in partnership with other patient organizations, our medical advisors, and Canadian Blood Services to secure home delivery of plasma products during the pandemic. The aim of this advocacy initiative has been to keep immunodeficiency patients out of the hospital setting, where possible during this pandemic. 

Canadian Blood Services has secured a specialty courier service to deliver SCIG products to patients home, directly from the blood bank. It is currently available in the following areas:

  • MB: Available starting next week. Please request home delivery when placing your re-fill order with your nurse.
  • ON: Available through the St. Michael’s Hospital blood bank currently. If you use an alternate blood bank, call and request the service. 
  • QC: Available if you have no designate to pick up in your place.
  • BC: Please discuss with your prescribing physician.  
  • AB: Not currently available

Please know that some hospitals are offering curbside contactless pickup for high-risk patients. 

If you would like more information, please let us know.

We’re sick and tired, but we’re not alone.

ImmUnity Canada is a national charity with five provincial chapters across the country.

We empower Canadians impacted by immunodeficiency disorders to live well through education, support, advocacy, community-building, and research.

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