Registration for the 2024 Walk for Immunodeficiency is now open!

Our Partners

ImmUnity Canada works with organizations to help us ensure all Canadians with immunodeficiency disorders have access to the resources they need to thrive.

Community Partnerships

The effects of Primary Immunodeficiency Disease reach beyond our members to the larger community we serve. That’s why we need to work together.

ImmUnity Canada actively collaborates with the larger PI community, the rare disease community in Canada and international organizations. Collaboration creates a stronger voice for our patient advocacy work, helps us engage on different levels, and brings different perspectives into view.

ImmUnity Canada places great value on our community partners and welcomes new collaboration.

Corporate Partnerships

Primary immunodeficiency diseases are chronic conditions, so continuity in ImmUnity Canada’s programs is critical. Individuals living with primary immunodeficiency and their families need to know that these services will be available throughout their lives. They need to know they can consistently count on us.

ImmUnity Canada is grateful for the generosity of several organizations that provide program funding. Our sponsors allow us to ensure consistency for our core services to patients and healthcare professionals and make an enormous difference in our ability to plan and provide long-term security for people with primary immunodeficiency diseases.

2022 Leaders

2022 Benefactors

2022 Contributors

2022 Supporters