The 2024 Charitable Donation Deadline has been Extended to February 28th!

CIPO Submission to CADTH

July 30, 2021

Thank you to all our members who participated in our recent survey on treatment. CIPO used the data collected to create a patient submission to the CADTH (Canadian Agency on Drugs and Technology in Heath) for a new product that is currently being reviewed. You can read CIPO’s submission on the product, Hyqvia, here

Now that CIPO, and other groups, have made our submissions to CADTH the submissions will be reviewed and CADTH, who will make their initial recommendation in November. After CADTH’s initial recommendation, there will be time for feedback from stakeholders and expert committees and then it will go to the provinces and territories, who will make a final recommendation on whether or not it should be made available to patients, whether or not it should have restrictions to use, and on which formulary(ies) it should be carried.

Again, thank you for taking part in the start of this process. The patient voice is crucial as we advocate for treatment options and alternatives for immunodeficiency patients in Canada.

We’re sick and tired, but we’re not alone.

ImmUnity Canada is a national charity with five provincial chapters across the country.

We empower Canadians impacted by immunodeficiency disorders to live well through education, support, advocacy, community-building, and research.

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