CIPO is proud to partner with the Ottawa Hospital and lead investigator Dr. Juthaporn Cowan as they launch the VISID (Vaccine Immunogenicity and Safety in ImmunoDeficiency patients) study. This study which will look at effectiveness, safety and immune response in immune compromised patients who have, or plan to receive, a COVID-19 vaccine has launched today and is currently recruiting patients in centres across Canada.
This study is open to:
- patients 12 years and older who:
- have a primary immunodeficiency been on immunotherapy and are receiving immunotherapy, and
- either plan on receiving their COVID-19 vaccine or,
- have received their first dose or,
- received their second dose less than 24 weeks ago
- Anyone 12 years and older who has not yet been vaccinated but plans on being vaccinated.
Some participating centres will be:
- Toronto – St. Michael’s Hospital, Sick Kids
- Quebec – McGill, Ste Justine
- Halifax – IWK, Halifax Allergy
- Winnipeg – Health Sciences
- Edmonton – University of Alberta, Stollery
- Calgary – Alberta Children’s
- Vancouver – St. Paul’s, BC Children’s
To enroll in the study, please visit the study website:
Read the press release: