October 5-9 is International Plasma Awareness Week, a week where we raise awareness of this vital resource. Plasma donation is currently down roughly 25% globally during the COVID-19 pandemic and that will have consequences on the already strained global immune globulin supply. During IPAW, we at CIPO would like to raise awareness around the need to collect more plasma both in Canada and globally.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all plasma donors – the immunodeficiency population depends on you!
If you are interested, and able, in donating plasma in Canada, please do so. Plasma is now being collected in the following cities:
Through Canadian Blood Services plasma donation centres
- Sudbury
- Lethbridge (Spring 2021 – appointments now being taken!)
Through other/private plasma collectors
- Saskatoon
- Moncton
- Winnipeg
For more information on IPAW, visit www.pptaglobal.org