The 2024 Charitable Donation Deadline has been Extended to February 28th!

IG Transition Information Events – Get your questions answered!

February 8, 2018

CIPO is facilitating a series of patient information evening across Canada in order for every patient to understand and be comfortable with the upcoming changes to their IG treatment. In November, Canadian Blood Services announced changes to both IVIG and SCIG that would be taking place starting this Spring. In order for all primary immunodeficiency patients to be comfortable with their therapy, we have organized a group of experts at each event to answer any questions as well as explain the reason behind the change and the process of the transition. 

Join us and be heard in this change!

  • London, Ontario: February 22nd, St. Joseph’s Health Care – Shuttleworth Auditorium (Cheapside Entrance 4)
  • Toronto, Ontario: February 27th, St. Michael’s Hospital – Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute | 209 Victoria Street, 2nd Floor | Kennan RC Allan Waters Auditorium 
  • Winnipeg, Manitoba: March 8th, Winnipeg Health Sciences – Theatre TBA
  • Ottawa, Ontario: March 21st, Ottawa General – Auditorium, 501 Smythe Road, Ottawa
  • Edmonton, Alberta: March 27th, Walter McKenzie Health Centre, Classroom D, 2nd Floor (above East Entrance)
  • Calgary, Alberta: April 18th, Foothills Medical Centre, Auditorium 332, Calgary
  • Vancouver, British Columbia: TBC
  • Halifax, Nova Scotia: TBC

Events in bold are confirmed, all other events are subject to change. 

We’re sick and tired, but we’re not alone.

ImmUnity Canada is a national charity with five provincial chapters across the country.

We empower Canadians impacted by immunodeficiency disorders to live well through education, support, advocacy, community-building, and research.

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